Everything You Need to Know . . .

This blog will provide you with all of the latest information about Ms. Wilson's Spanish classes. Each day you will see a summary of what we did in class and a list of any homework assignments. There will also be special announcements about projects, tests and school information.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday, May 17, 2013

Blocks 1 & 2  Spanish 1-2:
-Students took the test about the famous Hispanic individuals that we have studied.
-Some students took their speaking finals.  The remaining students will take their speaking final next week.
-Students worked on Final Exam Review #3, which is pasted below. 

Final Exam Review #3
Spanish 1-2

1.  List as many question words as you can remember. Write them out in both Spanish and English.  Page 129 and Page 159

2.  Translate each of the following into English: yo, tú, él, ella, Ud., nosotros, nosotras, vosotros, vosotras, ellos, ellas, Uds.  Use the dictionary in the back of the book if necessary. 

3.  List at least 5 adjectives to describe how you feel in both Spanish and English. Page 111 and Page 129

4.  Make a T Chart for the verb estar. Page 115

5.  Make a T Chart for the verb ir.  Page 120

6.  List at least 5 words to describe where things are located (near, far from, etc.).  Write these out in both Spanish and English.  Page 129

7.  List at least 4 vocabulary words for places in a school.  Write both the Spanish and the English.  Page 129

8.  Make a list of at least 6 classroom objects in both Spanish and English.  Page 129

-Important web sites/addresses:  
  1.  my email: wwilson@pvlearners.net
  2.  class blog:  bienvenidospvhs.blogspot.com
  3.  text site:  www.classzone.com

-No new written assignment
-Study for exams next week.

Block 5  Spanish 3-4:
-Students took the test about the famous Hispanic individuals that we have studied. 
-Some students took their speaking final today.  The remaining students will take their speaking final next week.
-Students worked on Final Exam Review #3, which is pasted below.

Final Exam Review #3
Spanish 3-4

1.  Make a list of at least 5 question words in both Spanish and English.  P. 64.

2.  Make a list of at least 7 words related to sports in both Spanish and English.  P. 109.

3.  Make a list of at least 4 words related to staying healthy in both Spanish and English.  P. 109.

4.  Explain what a reflexive verb is and how you would conjugate it.  P. 119.

5.  Make a T chart for bañarse in the present tense, the preterit tense and the imperfect tense.  Pages 119, 65 and 203.

6.  Explain the present progressive tense in your own words.  Write out the “ndo” form for each of the following verbs: comprar, beber, escribir, leer, dormir and decir. P. 124.

7.  Make a T chart for bañarse in the present progressive.  P. 119 and P. 124.

8.  Make a list of at least 5 body parts in both Spanish and English.  P. 133.

9.  Make a list of at least 7 words related to your daily routine in both Spanish and English.  P.  133.

10.  Make a list of at least 5 personal care items in both Spanish and English.  P.  133.

-Important web sites/addresses:
  1.  my email: wwilson@pvlearners.net
  2.  class blog: bienvenidospvhs.blogspot.com
  3.  text site:  www.classzone.com

-No new written assignment.
-Study for exams next week.

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